Friday, November 12, 2010

Hanky Panky's - A Dutch dish

So I have a Dutch friend, well actually he's the husband of my good friend Molly. Each year they go to Orange City, IA to the Tulip Festival. They get all dressed up in Dutch costume, even the kids, and celebrate their heritage.

This is a Dutch meal they make regularly. Contains staple ingredients other than Rye bread which I don't usually have on hand. It's a simple mixture and can even be prepared in the crock pot ahead of time.

Hanky Pankies!
1 1/2 # ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1 8oz package cream cheese
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/3 c. milk
1/3 c. ketchup
Loaf of rye bread

1. Brown the burger and onion. Transfer to a bowl and add remaining ingredients (except bread). Mix together, it will be like a spread.

2. Place rye bread on a cookie sheet, spread mixture over the top.

3. Bake at 350* uncovered for 12-15 minutes

Eat it just as it is or with tortilla chips.

The family that gave me this recipe usually doubles it, freezes some of the mixture and uses it for last minute meals. They also bring the mixture to work and at lunch time just spread it on bread and heat it up in the microwave.