Thursday, July 28, 2011

Red Raspberry Leaf

Aside from it's edible, sweet, delicious fruit, the raspberry plant is also known for it's amazing medicinal properties. The rapsberry leaves are especially beneficial for expectant mothers, and because of the high vitamin and mineral content, these leaves are also an herbal remedy for several other ailments as well!
For pregnancy:
  • Red raspberry contains vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, B, C and E, potassium, phosphorus and calcium which make red raspberry leaves a tonic for pregnant women and boost the immune system. 
  • The leaves contain carotenoids and alkaloids like fragrine. The alkaloid fragrine tones the muscles of the pelvic region and uterus so they can contract more efficiently during labor, making  the process of delivery easier, faster and less painful!! 
  • Red raspberry leaf promotes better blood circulation, eases morning sickness, prevents  postpartum hemmorage, relieves constipation, prevents miscarriages and promotes lactation and bone development for baby. That's alot for a little fruit leaf. 
For Fertility:
  • The leaves of the raspberry plant are believed to cure infertility in both men and women. Combining the leaf with red clover leaf can enhance it's benefits for fertility.
  • Women with irregular menstrual cycles can take this leaf or tea to regulate their cycle and reduce PMS. 
Other Benefits For Everyone:
  • Red raspberry leaves provide relief in diarrhea
  • Ideal for treating skin irritation and improves skin firmness
  • Prevents dehydration and lowers the level of blood sugar in diabetic patients
  • Is used to treat flu, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, fever and rubella

How to Prepare It:
Add 2 teaspoons of red raspberry leaves to 1 cup of boiling water. Allow the leaves to steep for 12-15 minutes to prepare the tea. The tea should be drank hot to get all the best benefits.

I either purchase bulk amounts of red raspberry leaf at the food co-op or order it online from Present Moment Herbs and Books. I store it in an air-tight jar in my cupboard. Every night (pregnant or not) I drink 2 large coffee cups of tea with 1 tablespoon of local honey. Sometimes I'll add peppermint and chamomile to it as well.

I have seen first hand the AMAZING benefits this tea has given me - from firmer skin to producing 'higher yields' in lactaion and easier labor and delivery. It tastes really good too.