Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baked Potato Kabobs

Quick, simple and tasty - baked potato kabobs. 
Ever hear of such a thing?  

This morning I dug a few red spuds from the garden and had big plans to somehow grill them...but I ran out of time. So instead I smothered them with EVOO, sprinkled a handful of parsley and sea salt on them, poked a few holes and threw them in the microwave for 10 minutes (I realize I probably killed all nutrients!). After 10 minutes I strung them on a kabob stick and put them on the grill for 5 minutes so I could still get that grilled flavor. 

This was a really quick way to get the potato's done in the amount of time it took to grill the steaks. 

Rare Cookbooks Worth $$

You probably have them on your shelf - old, vintage or antique cookbooks. Did you know they could be worth money! Many people are now selling their rare cookbooks to to cookbook collectors and making hundreds of dollars at it!

Some collectors collect in one category like chocolate cookbooks. Many are looking for old vintage Betty Crocker cookbooks from the 1950's or 1960's. And some don't have to be very old to be worth a lot.

Check the Internet for the value of your cookbook. The Faded Giant book database lets you search the value of specific texts. Search using title and author. You can also do general searches using the term 'cookbook'.