Friday, April 6, 2012

Eggs Need Hats Too!

You'll never look at an egg the same. It will seem like something is missing. 

These guests arrived at my Bed and Breakfast this afternoon and are staying through Sunday.

This is Elizabeth, from the sweet town of Custard Ohio. She took a dip in her pool and her mascara ran all over. I re-did her make-up after she toweled off. Note: use a permanent marker or draw the eyes after dipping them. Cupcake paper hat with carstock lining, cupcake paper polka dot dress.  

This is Senor Pepe'. He lives in Dallas and makes the best Texas omelet around. Old headband suspenders, and a toilet paper roll cowboy hat makes him the best around. 

This is Bobby from Zeno California. His favorite thing to do is ride The Wisk at the county fair. Egg carton hat with a red felt brim and lettering. 

This is Princess Rosalee, owner of the Grand Empire on Mille Lacs Beach (MB). She loves to toss coins into the wishing well (wishing for her prince of course). Felt crown complete with Amethyst, Emerald and Peridot jewels. Vera Wang slim fitting egg carton dress. 

 Ah yes, Robin of Hood Fan Montana. Skipping from fry pan to fry pan taking from the omelet to give to the poor scrambled eggs. Triangle shaped, yellow feathered felt hat. Green carton tights.  

The victory Viking from Minnesota. Rooting for the home team. Purple pride pinstripe carton pants, long yellow threaded hair, and card stock horns. 

They each get a room with a view. 

  My own collection of Elizabeth's, and Pepe's.

The April 2012 edition of Family Fun magazine gave us more Easter hat and craft ideas. You didnt think I came up with this on my own did you? Have fun!