Friday, August 24, 2012

Plumsauce and Applesauce

 Who's Who? The above picture are wild plums, below are little apples. 
 Step 1 -  Pick a whole lot of apples and/or plums
Step 2 -  Bring them to a boil with about 1/2 water in a big kettle.
Step 3 -  Boil until the skins split and they are soft.
Step 4 -  Scoop them into a food mill. Out comes your hot apple/plum sauce
 Step 5 -  Add a whole lot of sugar. As much as your tongue desires.
Step 6 -  Scoop 2 cups into freezer bags and freeze. If I had more time I would have canned it so it wouldn't take up freezer space.
Mmmmm hot applesauce and ice cream!