It's best to use a potato ricer to make your potatoes light and fluffy. Lefse is hardy recipe and you really only need a few ingredients. My recipe includes salt, heavy cream, sugar, butter and lots of flour. Since I already had salt, whole milk and butter mashed into the potatoes, I just added a little sugar and enough flour to make them like dough, then rolled them into walnut size balls.
Once we rolled them out REALLY thin, we threw them on my griddle and cranked the heat to 400. Once they browned and bubbled up a little, I flipped them and cooked the other side for about 1 minute. They cooled nicely on a damp towel. I covered them with another towel.
A little History about Lefse
It's hard to say when lefse originated but Norway suffered from the effects of the potato famine in the mid-1800's, which is about the time that many Norwegians came to the United States. They brought their knowledge, griddles, mashers and rolling pins. The result is a delicacy that's part of a special tradition replicated in every Norwegian-American town for more than 150 years. A tradition that you can be part of once again. Did you know that lefsa was invented by the norweigen Vikings... Von day, dey vent and was going to raid Ireland..... Vell they got over der, but they couldn't suprise dem Irish people cause they were making too much noise coming across the Nort Sea from Norway. When they got to the shores of Ireland, they tried to land But couldn't. You see the Irish heard them coming and began throwing their potatoes at them darn vikings so dat the cud not land. Vel by golly, do you know vat. They load that ship with all the potatoes dat got trowed at dem, pulled out their oars and finally got back to Norway. When they got there they played aroung with those potatoes and came up with a bread, and called it LEFSA. They had a big party that night, day got out that old foul smelling fish and put it on Lefsa and that is where the Lutefisk Supper vas born...........My Grate, Grate, Grate, Grate, Granfodder was on that ship that raided Ireland. I'm sure glad they brought it to America other wise we would not have Lutefisk Suppers Today. My Lena makes the best darn lefsa in Minnesota. Corse I have to help otherwise she'd eat it all up while she was cooking it and we would not have any for supper that evening.... I'm sure glad they have Lutefisk Suppers around Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. My mother Palma, made all the lefsa by herself. They wern't very round, but then she always said you could not taste the round...... Your Friend.......... Ole Story taken from where you can find recieps and equipment to make your own! |