Monday, July 18, 2011

Rubus Occidentalis

Or more commonly known as Black Raspberries - the 'king of berries'! 
Black Raspberries have one of the highest antioxidant ratings among the common fruits and berries and they are right here...growing wild in my back yard! 

Black raspberries have around 40% more anti-cancer power because high amounts of anthocyanins they contain - the natural compounds which gives them their black color. 

1 cup of black raspberries provides 60% of the days requirements of vitamin C. 1 cup also provides 7 grams of fiber!

Our fence line is loaded with these wild raspberry plants and since they're fresh season is Minnesota is July 1st - July 21st we only have about another week to pick!  

Gingerbread Eggs and Freezer Jam

We had fun in the kitchen this morning! Gingerbread man eggs and heart shaped jelly bread were on the menu! This was a great way to get Daniel to eat this morning. Some days he tends to be really stubborn about eating breakfast, but not today. 

This nummy strawberry freezer jam is from last years pick of strawberries from an organic berry farm. Freezer jam is super easy to do and takes very little time and effort. All you need is ripe fruit, sugar, water and a box of fruit pectin. Mash, mix, pour and freeze!