Monday, August 1, 2011

Fishin' for Dinner

FISH! I don't know too many people who don't like fish, although we do live in the land of 10,000 lakes so you pretty much have to love it! I was also curious about the health Benefits and mercury consumption and here's what I found out....

Daniel and Lydia, heading to the 'lake' to go fishing!
Health Benefits:
  • Eating fish gives us one of the highest quality proteins, vitamins and minerals! I love fish and could eat it just about every day. I'm talking about cold water fish like crappies, walleye and northern which are a little fattier than white-fleshed fish like cod and halibut, pollack and bass which are really low in fat.
  • The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating a variety of 'fatty' fish at least twice a week as a preventative against cardiovascular disease! I wonder if that why my Grandpa is still strong and healthy after all his heart attacks and bypasses - Grandpa and Grandma lived on a lake for most of their life and ate fish all the time.
  • Trace amounts of mercury are generally found in fish since it occurs naturally in soil, rocks, streams, lakes and oceans. But now the prevalence of mercury as an industrial byproduct has caused some fish to contain high levels. That would be older, larger predatory fish like shark, swordfish, mackerel and tile fish (which I don't think we'll find in our lakes!).
  • Luckily if we eat fish that are lower on the food chain we shouldn't have to worry about mercury levels unless lake reports show high percentages, but even then it's just a warning to slow consumption. 
  • Also, pregnant or nursing women have to be careful of the amount of consumption because it can cause harm the developing nervous systems.
Didnt catch much but had a great time trying!!

I'm glad to see that it's one of the best quality proteins you can get your hands on! I have to say, there is something amazing about FRESH fish, spiced and fried in butter! Best ever! And for some reason it ALWAYS tastes better when eaten at the lake!