Thursday, November 4, 2010

Packaging and Freezing Meals

How to package a meal
Instead of throwing out those to-go boxes (plastic works best), old sour cream containers and old pie pans, save them in a paper bag in your basement. They work great for delivering meals. Garage sales are a great place to purchase used cake pans and casserole dishes that you can give away with your meal. 

Freezing Methods
There are a few different methods. 
  1. Freezer bags work great for liquids such as soups, chili, gravy, stews. Get as much air out as possible and lay flat in the freezer
  2. Foil and Plastic Wrap works great for semisolid food items like lasagna, casseroles, meatloaf and breakfast items such as breakfast burritos and sandwiches. You can either just cover the top of the baking dish with plastic wrap and foil if your freezing for a day or two. The other method saves space in your freezer and lasts much longer. Line the baking dish with foil, then plastic wrap (making sure you have to cover the bottom, sides and top of the dish). Let the food cool completely, seal the plastic wrap, removing as much air as possible. Seal the foil layer. Put the whole thing in the freezer and once the food has been frozen slip it out of the pan and into a freezer bag. 
  3. Double wrap baked goods in plastic wrap and freezer bags. Muffins, rolls, breads, cookies.   
Date and label everything and always include baking directions. 

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