Like a car coming to a screeching stop -- errrrrt!! Everything gets put on the back burner when a baby is born. Lydia Rose was born in January. And just this week I began cooking again! Previously its been what I like to call 'plastic meals' - quick easy meals. Dont get me wrong they are still somewhat homemade, I refuse to buy anything in a box (except mac and cheese - Annies style). It feels good to get back in the produce section. I missed my rainbow soups and homemade sauces.
Peas, beans and potato's were harvested this week from my backyard oasis. My garden, of which I call 'the lush emerald' has amazed me with what it can produce considering it's circumstances; sandy soil, lack of fertilizer, lack of love, lack of water and abundance of weeds! It gains it's name from the beauty it produces considering the lush layer of weeds.
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